
  • Y LAHIOUEL Guelma University
  • A.K HADDAD College of Technology, Makkah
  • K CHAOUI University of Annaba

Mots-clés :

Frictional head losses, Minor head losses, Singular head losses, Water distribution network


Energy losses in pipes used for the transportation of fluids (water, petroleum, gas,etc.) are essentially due to friction, as well as to the diverse singularities encountered. These losses are usually converted into head reductions in the direction of the flow. The knowledge of data of such transformation allows the determination of the necessary power needed for the transportation of the fluid between two points. It constitutes the necessary calculation basis necessaryfor the design and analysis of transport and distribution networks. The review of the different relationships allowing the determination of these losses and their comparison to the experimental results obtained by the authors, constitute the object of this

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Y LAHIOUEL, Guelma University

Laboratory of The Applied Chemical,

A.K HADDAD, College of Technology, Makkah

Mechanical Tech. Dept.,

K CHAOUI, University of Annaba

Engineering Faculty


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Comment citer

LAHIOUEL, Y., HADDAD, A., & CHAOUI, K. (2005). EVALUATION OF HEAD LOSSES IN FLUID TRANSPORTATION NETWORKS. Sciences & Technologie. B, Sciences De l’ingénieur, (23), 89–94. Consulté à l’adresse https://revue.umc.edu.dz/b/article/view/408




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