POST OCCUPANCY EVALUATION PROGRAMME (or POE): An assessment method for buildings efficiency


  • Amar KORICHI
  • Tayeb D.SAHNOUNE

Mots-clés :

Evaluation, post occupation, satisfaction, performances, efficiency, efficacy, sport and leisure centres.


Post Occupancy Evaluation (or POE) is one concept that first developed in North European countries. Later it becomes widely adopted by building researchers in Continental Europe (expressly in France) under the expression of ‘Evaluation Post-Occupationnelle’. In fact, this concept consists in a series of methods [1;2] that allow to evaluate both objectively and/or subjectively mostly occupied buildings to check upon the extent of their performance. Assessing building (both indoor and outdoor) environment allows checking the effective efficiency of the design, to correct as much as possible any deficiency, and most important avoid similar mistakes in future buildings. This paper intention is to provide a useful guidance and framework for the process of one Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) program throughout the main problems of design and use of existing sports centres in Constantine (Algeria). It also suggests ways in which operational research could help find possible solutions.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e


Université Constantine 1


Université Constantine 1


Université Constantine 1


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