The spatial mobility between supply and demand, attempt to evaluate

State of the urban agglomeration of Annaba


  • NADJLA GHORABI Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Spatial Planning, Freres Mentouri University Constantine 1, Algeria


urban agglomeration of Annaba, Spatial mobility, Supply and demand, Shuttling, urban public transport


The urban economic and social development are the most important factors which have led to the increase mobility. This has given rise to a spatial mobility and a provincial dynamism which influence directly the demand for transport and balancing it with supply. Through the study of the movement of the urban population of Annaba and their use of collective transport means, we evaluate the supply and demand to balance the organization of transport in the city. The urban agglomeration of Annaba is at its extreme mobility like that in large gatherings in Algeria. Hence, we focus in this research on evaluating and analyzing the supply and demand for public transport on buses inside the urban agglomeration through a field study that consists of a questionnaire. This study aims at finding the causes wich control supply and demand and also the difference between them. Besides that, we try to determine the strategies (methods)to balance between them.


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مواقع الأنترنت
- ?=Lyion2.2000.

