Case of the city of M'sila, Algeria


  • Ali REDJEM City, environment, society and sustainable development laboratory, Institute for the management of urban techniques, University of M'sila, Algeria
  • Brahim NOUIBAT City, environment, society and sustainable development laboratory, Institute for the management of urban techniques, University of M'sila, Algeria
  • Mostepha NAGHEL City, environment, society and sustainable development laboratory, Institute for the management of urban techniques, University of M'sila, Algeria


Floods, management, risk, urban resilience, decision support


The national territory subject to flooding is disastrously presenting a major constraint for the economic and social development of the country. According to the census carried out by the civil protection services, one commune out of three (485 communes) is likely to be flooded in part or in full. These floods are the most frequent and destructive natural disasters, causing significant human and material damage.

Prevention of these risks is of particular interest to the sustainable development of the country. In view of the increase in risk, only voluntary action seems appropriate, based on the recognition that taking into account flooding in land use planning and development can not be limited to an overly local, sectoral and short-term approach , But it presupposes a comprehensive policy for the prevention of natural hazards. A series of measures was therefore defined in July 2003, which led, inter alia, to the introduction of Law 04-20 of 25 December 2004 on disaster management in the context of sustainable development.

The main contribution of this study is to identify the avenues for reflection that allow us to build on a solid scientific foundation for the construction of a city resilient to the risks of floods. The objectives of this research are to provide information on the level of resilience of the city to flood scenarios and to help the public authorities to make appropriate decisions Time to increase the level of resilience of urban areas and to show that other avenues deserve to be explored in order to overcome the current impasse expressed by the rising cost of damage.


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