
  • Z F DAWOOD Mosul University

Mots-clés :

ligands, zirconium, semicarbazone, characterization


Complexes containing mixed ligands of zirconium (IV) have been synthesized by the reaction of zirconium (IV) nitrate (Zr(NO3)4, 5H2O) with salicylaldazine (SAH2) and semicarbazone ligands benzaldehyde semicarbazone (BSCH), 4-methoxybenzaldehyde semicarbzone (MBSCH), 2-chlorobenzaldehyde semicrbazone (CISCH) and cinnamaldehyde semicarbazone (CinSCH) forming complexes of the type [Zr2(SAH)2(SCH)2](NO3)8 and [Zr2(SA)2 (SC)2](NO3)2 in neutral and basic medium respectively. The ligands and their complexes are characterized physico-chemically.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Z F DAWOOD, Mosul University

Chemistry Department
College of Education


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Comment citer

DAWOOD, Z. F. (2002). Zr (IV) COMPLEXES OF SOME NITROGEN-OXYGEN DONOR LIGANDS (SEMICARBAZONES & SALICYLALDAZINE). Sciences & Technologie. A, Sciences Exactes, (17), 35–38. Consulté à l’adresse https://revue.umc.edu.dz/a/article/view/1783




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