
  • Billel Ali Srihen University Brothers Mentouri Constantine 1
  • Jean Paul Yonnet University Joseph Fourier Grenoble
  • Malek Benslama University Brothers Mentouri Constantine 1

Mots-clés :

Electromagnetic wave, scattering, structure, Gap Photonic Antennae


Antenna remote sensing deals with the extraction of object information from electromagnetic wave parameters. To fully exploit the potential for quantitative information acquisition, a detailed description of microwave diffusion is required. The research on this subject was mainly devoted to the far-field analysis which assumes an incident plane wave, calculates its scattered field and evaluates the radar cross section (RCS). However, under some practical conditions, far-field analysis is not valid and near-field analysis is required. In this paper, we have given a complete analysis of the near field of a corner structure due to an incident electric field from a linear source or a plane wave in the case of Gap Photonic Antennae. The far-field model, in the case of a linear source exciting the structure, is also analyzed. The interest of this study will structure the modeling process of the fields by having a clear vision of the near field which will bring a maximum of information in the process of remote sensing to help an accurate and correct decision-making.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Billel Ali Srihen, University Brothers Mentouri Constantine 1

Department of Electronics, Laboratory of Electromagnetism and Telecommunications

Jean Paul Yonnet, University Joseph Fourier Grenoble

Laboratory of Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble

Malek Benslama, University Brothers Mentouri Constantine 1

Department of Electronics, Laboratory of Electromagnetism and Telecommunications


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Comment citer

Srihen, B. A., Yonnet, J. P., & Benslama, M. (2017). WAVE SCATTERING WEDGE IN GAP WEDGE ANTENNAE STRUCTURES. Sciences & Technologie. B, Sciences De l’ingénieur, (46), 9–15. Consulté à l’adresse https://revue.umc.edu.dz/b/article/view/2763


