Mots-clés :
Head losses, Frictional head losses, Minor head losses, Singular head losses, Water distribution network, Charbon actif, adsorption, noyaux de dattes, demande biologique en oxygène, phénol, demande chimique en oxygèneRésumé
With the rise and the development ofthe industrial sector, the problem of pollution remains the subject of interest of many scientists, since it touches several vital sectors. In this work, we are interested in the water
resources polluted by the chemical substances, which can cause various problems of health. As an example, the phenols constitute an important source of pollution, and are primarily the result of industrial discharges such as the plastics, polymers, insecticides, etc. In this context, the activated carbons are adsorbents very much used industrially for the elimination of the undesirable compounds and gases. Our work presents a double environmental aspect, on the one hand, a valorization of under-natural products in fact the cores of dates, and on the other hand, the study of the adsorbent effectiveness of the activated carbon resulting from these cores. The local variety which was the subject of this study is "Itime" of Ouargla. The effectiveness is evaluated through parameters: DBO (Biological Demand for Oxygen), DCO (Chemical Demand for Oxygen) as well as the adsorption of phenol in aqueous medium. A comparative study with a commercial activated carbon at summer
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