
  • A ZERROUT Université Hassiba Ben Bouali

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Chambre de combustion، jet turbulent، tourbillonnement، modélisation numérique، modèle (K-ε)، modèle des tensions de Reynolds، combustion chamber، turbulent jets، swirling، simulation، (K-ε) model


The present survey consists of numerical prevision of two turbulent jets with swirling in a combustion chamber. The simulation is based on numerical method of finite volumes and finite differences of Patankar. The mathematicalmodel used is two equations of turbulence model (K-ε). The iterative sequence adopted SIMPLE algorithm for a resolution of equations
system. A calcul is realized by a numerical code adapted to present configuration. The numerical results were compared with experimental results of the literature [6]. Performances of model (K-ε) have examined with another numerical result study such, as the used model is the Reynolds Stress Turbulence Model (RSTM). This model necessitudean important number of equations for a calcul of Reynolds Stress.A good according was qualitatively observed for the predictions of the (K-ε) model.

السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

A ZERROUT، Université Hassiba Ben Bouali

Département de Génie Mécanique
Faculté des Sciences de l’Ingénieur


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كيفية الاقتباس

ZERROUT, A. (2005). PREVISION NUMERIQUE DE JETS TURBULENTS TOURBILLONNANTS CONFINES AVEC LE MODELE (K-ε). مجلة علوم و تكنولوجيا ب، علوم الهندسة, (23), 82–88. استرجع في من




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