La centralisation commerciale à Sétif


  • Hichem MIROUD Institut de gestion des techniques urbaines, Université de Salah Boubnider Constantine 3, Algérie

Mots-clés :

le commerce, les villes, la centralité commerciale, Sétif, activité commerciale, attractive


Urban growth has revealed in the modern urban structure cities new attraction points. These new centrality points create effects related to the space gravity pulling on the concentration of economic activities; one of these activities is the commercial func-tion which becomes the beating heart in the structuring and dynamics of space. The spatial distribution of shops (retailing activity) in sétif is due to concentration fac-tor, so, one can study how to identify more central places than others. The main ob-jective of our research is to assess commercial centrality in the city of sétif and its impact on the structure and space organization. It is also interesting to envisage an urban strategy able to support and anticipate future urban development of sétif.


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