
  • Imane Dib Université Constantine 1
  • Henia Dib Université Constantine 1
  • Wahid Chettah Université Constantine 1
  • Younes Hamed ENIS Sfax, Tunisia


Chemical fertilizer, physico-chemical analyzes, pollution, groundwater, Algeria


In Algeria, groundwater face a risk of degradation due to uncontrolled releases, intensive and indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture as well as disorderly exploitation of this resource. The consequences are a chemical modification of the water, making it unsuitable for desired uses, which makes the field of water increasingly vital and fragile requiring for its preservation monitoring and control of the management of this resource. To determine the causes of the progressive degradation of the chemical quality of groundwater, this study was devoted to the knowledge of the geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the plain Gadaïne - Ain Yaghout (North of the city of Batna) and interpretation of physico-chemical analysis of water samples with highlighting the various sources of pollution and their impact on groundwater of the plain.

Author Biographies

Imane Dib, Université Constantine 1

Département des Sciences géologiques

Henia Dib, Université Constantine 1

Département des Sciences géologiques

Wahid Chettah, Université Constantine 1

Département des Sciences géologiques

Younes Hamed, ENIS Sfax, Tunisia

Water, Energy and Environmental Laboratory


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