suspended sediment concentration, liquid flow, sediment flow, flood, hysteresis, wadi IsserAbstract
This work focuses on the study of the relationship between suspended sediment concentration C and liquid flow Q during floods, on one hand, and the quantification of sedimentary flow in the watershed of the Isser wadi, on the other hand. The analysis of 84 floods over a 30-years period (1971/2001) shows a seasonal dynamic of suspended sediment availability, which increases in summer (especially in August) and autumn and decreases in winter and spring when flow is high. An analysis of the events recorded on the Isser wadi is made from the appearance of the graphs representing C as a function of Q which draws four hysteresis models hourly, counterclockwise, linear plus loop and figure in eight. The total flood performance in terms of suspended solid transport is 5.07* 106 tonnes, which corresponds to a specific degradation of 1222 Suspended solid flux varies considerably from one flood to another depending on many factors such as seasonality and flood duration, and hourly and counterclockwise floods are the most frequent and produce 70% of total sediments. The analysis of seasonal yields has shown that winter contributes a great deal of sediment (49%).
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