urban sprawl, logistics function, urban extension, city of BatnaAbstract
The urban sprawl is considered as an important key factor in the spatial planning, because it goes against a definite number of main values of sustainable development. Certainly, this phenomenon of spatial extension show several spatial, economic, social, environmental and even visual problems, which are strongly criticized by the actors of sustainable development. At the same time, the cities continue their drastic spreading in order to meet their needs.
In this frame, in order to be able to plan our cities efficiently and sustainably in the future, it will be necessary to understand this phenomenon and, to have a serious reflection on the future of those cities and their evolution.
Through this paper, the present study consists in characterizing and measuring the urban sprawl of the city of Batna and predicting its future sprawl. To this end, it will be necessary to apply a mathematical model, which is based on the exploitation of survey maps and satellite data of the region, and then extracting the rates of the built surfaces according to the distance from the historic center of the city in concentric halos.
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