El-Khroub City, between urban development and transformation


  • Malika LARKAT Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Urban Planning, University of Freres Mentouri Constantine 1, Algeria
  • Abdelouahab LEKHAL Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Urban Planning, University of Freres Mentouri Constantine 1, Algeria


Urban Development, Mutations, Housing Policies, Change, Transition


Algerian cities have undergone many transformations as a result of the industrialization policy of the 1970s and the phenomenon of rural displacement, which has had a significant impact on the acceleration of urban growth, the swell of city sizes and the doubling of their population, and these rapid transformations in various areas have resulted in the growth and development of society with the need and mandatory meeting of the requirements of the population at all levels.

The city of Constantine explains well the elements of this transformation, because of its poor position and the expiry of its real estate reserves, its local authorities were forced to look for a place capable of absorbing its growth.


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