
  • S GUESSASMA Université Mentouri Constantine
  • N ROUAG Université Mentouri Constantine

Mots-clés :

Monte Carlo simulation, growth, grains, particles, microstructure


In this paper, a modified Monte Carlo simulation is developed for studying grain growth in presence of stable incoherent particles. The aim is to introduce the calculation method (with C++) applied to the particles problem, to pick out the grain local behavior, to evaluate the grain growth exponent and to determine the abrupt transition between normal and stagnant microstructure. We deal with 2D microstructures with a constant particle diameter and different particle area fraction.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

S GUESSASMA, Université Mentouri Constantine

Département de Physique
Faculté des Sciences

N ROUAG, Université Mentouri Constantine

Département de Physique
Faculté des Sciences


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Comment citer

GUESSASMA, S., & ROUAG, N. (2001). A MONTE CARLO SIMULATION IN GRAIN GROWTH: KINETIC IN PRESENCE OF INCOHERENT PARTICLES. Sciences & Technologie. A, Sciences Exactes, (15), 35–40. Consulté à l’adresse https://revue.umc.edu.dz/a/article/view/1739


