
  • A BELGHACHI University of Béchar

Mots-clés :

Transport phenomena, Monte Carlo, semiconductor, scattering.


In the present work we report results of the simulation of transport phenomena in InP under uniform
electric fields in both transient and steady state regimes using semi-classical Ensemble Monte Carlo
method (EMC). The EMC algorithm used consists mainly of the simulation of an ensemble of carriers
and follows their history in parallel for a sequences of very short time intervals in three dimensional
momentum and real spaces. After each sampling interval, data (drift velocity, energy…) is collected for
each particle and the values are averaged. In our simulation an ensemble of 105 electrons are used. The
program was written with Fortran 90 language and run on IBM PC(PIII, 800GHz). The obtained results
are in good agreement with reported experimental data.


Les données relatives au téléchargement ne sont pas encore disponibles.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

A BELGHACHI, University of Béchar

Laboratory of Semiconductor
Devices Physics
Physics Department


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Comment citer

BELGHACHI, A. (2004). SIMULATION OF TRANSPORT PHENOMENA IN InP. Sciences & Technologie. A, Sciences Exactes, (22), 27–32. Consulté à l’adresse




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