Effect of N fertilization on storage protein and some amino acid quantities of two Tunisian Barley varieties differing in their degrees of adaptation to environmental conditions


  • L BETTAIEB-BEN KAAB Campus Universitaire, El Manar
  • C RAHMOUNE Université Constantine 1
  • M LAURIERE INRA Paris-Grignon
  • M BEN NACEUR National Agronomic Research Institute of Tunisia, Ariana


Two Tunisian barley varieties,Martin and Rihane, differing in degrees of adaptation to environmental conditions, were grown under different treatments ofnitrogen (N) fertilization. Total nitrogen content increased when intensifying N supply whereas grain and albumen weights decreased. Effect of N fertilization on storage protein components (expressed in mg per albumen) was determined by Nu-PAGE electrophoresis system using the MOBS running buffer and densitometry analysis. The effect of N supply on the change of B-hordein fraction and some amino acids (AA) particularly the cysteine, implicates in disulfide bonds of protein aggregates,
was discussed in relation to different degrees of adaptability toenvironmental conditions which characterize each barley variety.

Author Biographies

L BETTAIEB-BEN KAAB, Campus Universitaire, El Manar

Biology Department. Faculty of Sciences.

C RAHMOUNE, Université Constantine 1

Ecotoxicologie et Stress Abiotiques, Dpt SNV, Faculté
des Sciences

M LAURIERE, INRA Paris-Grignon

Agro-Industrial Biotechnology Center.

M BEN NACEUR, National Agronomic Research Institute of Tunisia, Ariana

Biotechnology and Physiology Laboratory


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How to Cite

BETTAIEB-BEN KAAB, L., RAHMOUNE, C., LAURIERE, M., & BEN NACEUR, M. (2006). Effect of N fertilization on storage protein and some amino acid quantities of two Tunisian Barley varieties differing in their degrees of adaptation to environmental conditions. Sciences & Technology. C, Biotechnologies, (24), 7–12. Retrieved from https://revue.umc.edu.dz/c/article/view/412


