
  • Nawal ALIOUA AUTES Laboratory "from Architecture to Urbanism, Spaces and Societies", Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Salah Boubnider Constantine 3 University, Algeria
  • Samia BENABBAS KAGHOUCHE Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Spatial Planning, Freres Mentouri University Constantine 1, Algeria


urban requalification, identity of the city, inhabitant, city of Jijel


The two concepts "requalification" and "identity" of the city constitute the backbone of this article, which is a part of our doctoral work. Those two notions will be discussed in the context of the city of Jijel (Algeria). This city, like the other Algerian cities, is currently suffering from plural dysfunctions that it has experienced throughout its urbanization process. In this actual situation, how can the use of urban re-qualification operations revive this city and respond to the needs and expectations of its population?

We assume that the success of any re-qualification operation is based on the involvement of the citizen.  This research is a qualitative study, based mainly on a careful listening to the citizens of Jijel about their expectations of any intervention on their city.

The semantic analysis of the results enabled us to identify the Jijel citizen’s views of their city, also it shows us the causes and consequences of the disqualification phenomenon in their city, and examines the changes that it has made through time; are they essentially linked to their practices and use? Or do they explain it otherwise?

Such questioning informs us about the key elements that should be integrated in any requalification operation.


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( Site consulté en 2016.

