A study of Self-beliefs of High and Low Academic Achievement of EFL Master Students at the University "Frères Mentouri", Constantine1


  • Amel Sakraoui Badji Mokhtar University (Annaba-Algeria)


self-beliefs, English language sciences, academic achievement, discourse analysis, low-achieving, high-achieving, Academic Self-Beliefs Survey.


This article aims at investigating the relationship between the self- beliefs that Master EFL learners hold in the specific domain of Language Sciences and their first-semester academic achievement in discourse analysis.              To this end, an initial version of the Language Sciences Academic Self-Beliefs Survey was developed in order to inquire about the type of beliefs adopted by low achieving and high achieving students in one of the modules taught for Master 1 learners in English language sciences namely, discourse analysis. Findings have revealed, in spite of the moderately ‘reserved’ statistical results, subtle associations and thought-provoking implications regarding students’ self- beliefs in the module of discourse analysis in particular and in English language sciences in general


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Author Biography

Amel Sakraoui, Badji Mokhtar University (Annaba-Algeria)

Department of English Language and Literature

Faculty of Letters and Languages


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How to Cite

Sakraoui, A. (2019). A study of Self-beliefs of High and Low Academic Achievement of EFL Master Students at the University "Frères Mentouri", Constantine1. Journal of Human Sciences , 30(3), 225–244. Retrieved from https://revue.umc.edu.dz/h/article/view/3046




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