The Effect of Combining the Competency Based Approach and the Multiple Intelligences Theory on the Development of EFL Students’ Speaking Skill


  • Djallel BOULMAIZ University of Mentouri Constantine 1


Competency based approach, English as a foreign language learning, multiple intelligences theory, speaking skill.


This paper investigates the extent to which change of teaching style affects students’ achievements, more specifically their development of the speaking skill within a specific academic subject-matter course. The researcher seeks to investigate whether learners’ performance on a specific topical knowledge speaking test will be enhanced if we implement an instructional design that incorporates the principles of the Competency-Based Approach and the Multiple Intelligences Theory. In order to achieve the research objective, a quasi-experiment was implemented at the level of the English department- Larbi Ben M’hidi University. The study was conducted on three intact first-year groups and it went over three phases: pretesting, treatment, and post-testing. The research findings revealed that combining the Competency-Based Approach and the Multiple Intelligences Theory yields better results in students’ development of the speaking skill.


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Author Biography

Djallel BOULMAIZ, University of Mentouri Constantine 1

Faculty of Letters and Languages

Department of Foreign Languages


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How to Cite

BOULMAIZ, D. (2019). The Effect of Combining the Competency Based Approach and the Multiple Intelligences Theory on the Development of EFL Students’ Speaking Skill. Journal of Human Sciences , 30(4), 07–28. Retrieved from


