Hypochondria among health sector works under shadow Corona pandemic covid-19

Empirical Study in the state of Laghouat


  • Aloi KOUIDRI University of Amar Tliji, Laghouat, Algeria
  • Boumediene ADJEB University of Amar Tliji, Laghouat, Algeria


Hypochondria, health sector, profession, gender


The current study aimed to know the differences in the level of Hypochondria due to the gender variable and the variable of profession  among a sample of workers in the health sector in Laghouat, and to achieve the objectives of the study, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) was used to measure the Hypochondria.   .In the basic study based on the descriptive approach, the study was applied to a random sample of workers in the health sector, amounting to 110 workers.

 The study yielded the following result:

-There are differences in the level of Hypochondria due to the gender variable in the total sample for females

- There are differences in the level of Hypochondria due to the variable of profession among the total sample in favor of the nurses sample.


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How to Cite

KOUIDRI, A., & ADJEB, B. (2022). Hypochondria among health sector works under shadow Corona pandemic covid-19: Empirical Study in the state of Laghouat . Journal of Human Sciences , 33(1), 489–503. Retrieved from https://revue.umc.edu.dz/h/article/view/3806

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