L’université algérienne passe au mode e-Learning


  • Ouided BELLILET Université Mentouri Constantine 1. Faculté des lettres et langues. Département de lettres et langue française


distance-learning, face-to-face, duality, hybrid, collaboration


Even if education in general and university education in particular appears to be in a deontological duality between the in class courses and the distance-learning ones, both of them are able to coexist with a priority afforded to the pedagogic content in the face-to-face  course in a real environment. But with the Covid-19 pandemic, digital technology has given e-Learning a step ahead and has given it an innovative dimension but not a unique one, since correspondence education has been recognized as a possibility for pupils who leaved the education system or were in an academic failure the possibility of continuing their studies.


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How to Cite

BELLILET, O. . (2022). L’université algérienne passe au mode e-Learning . Journal of Human Sciences , 33(1), 869–882. Retrieved from https://revue.umc.edu.dz/h/article/view/3837