The Effects of Using Paper and Electronic Monolingual English Learners’ Dictionaries while Reading on Students In-depth Vocabulary knowledge


  • Amina Ouafa BENZITOUNI University of Mentouri Constantine


Vocabulary Knowledge, Dictionary, Electronic Dictionary


Learning new words is a primary concern for most learners. Accordingly, many EFL students make use of English-English dictionaries, paper and electronic to develop their vocabulary. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study is to examine the effects of using dictionaries on students’ in-depth vocabulary knowledge. The results showed that students’ in-depth vocabulary knowledge improved when they used their dictionaries, in particular electronic ones. Thus, using dictionaries as a learning tool deserves more attention in the context of EFL vocabulary learning and teaching.


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Author Biography

Amina Ouafa BENZITOUNI, University of Mentouri Constantine

Faculty of Letters and Languages, Department of Foreign Languages


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How to Cite

BENZITOUNI, A. O. (2016). The Effects of Using Paper and Electronic Monolingual English Learners’ Dictionaries while Reading on Students In-depth Vocabulary knowledge. Journal of Human Sciences , 27(4), 131–143. Retrieved from


