The communication of local social actors on the environment in Algeria. Sociological reflections on the communication of environmental consultation

Case of the Kabyle region


  • Tewfik SADOUNI Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Abderrahmane Mira University of Bejaia, Bejaia, Algeria


Social actors, Kabyle, Algeria, consultation, communication, environment


Algeria has launched a land-use plan for a decade to ensure a territorial balance between the different regions. As a result, new large infrastructures were submerged but their implementation policies spawned. However, several social movements were noticed because of the unacceptability of local residents of an urban project or an environmental project not concerted.

For this, recourse to public consultation, upstream, has become a primary obligation. In this article, our work focuses on analyzing the communication and consultation process established between the different social actors involved in the decision-making process in the Kabyle region, specifically in the Bouira region.


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Note :

. TAAJMAATH : association non lucratif qui réagisse d’une façon informelle mais reconnue. Un groupe des citoyens de la région qui englobe les catégories sociale et qui ont pour objet le règlement des conflits intérieurs, l’intervention dans les décisions, le règlement des conflits inter région.



How to Cite

SADOUNI, T. . (2020). The communication of local social actors on the environment in Algeria. Sociological reflections on the communication of environmental consultation: Case of the Kabyle region. Journal of Human Sciences , 31(1), 601–614. Retrieved from




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