Industrial fatigue


  • Abdelghani Zermane Abdelhamid Mehri University Constantine 2, Algeria


Tired, Artificial fatigue, The Exhaustion, The boredom


Multiple articles and studies dealt with the topic of industrial fatigue, ‎because it is considered as the most important factor in determining ‎the productivity rate of any kind of enterprise, whether it provides ‎goods or services.‎

In this context, the present paper aims to approach the subject from ‎a sociological point of view through presenting its main concepts, ‎causes, types as well as the individual differences and revealing its ‎fundamental aspects and consequences and finally exploring the ‎different possible ways of tackling it.‎



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How to Cite

Zermane, A. (2024). Industrial fatigue. Journal of Human Sciences , 34(3), 215–232. Retrieved from

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