Urban mobility at the heart of tourist attractiveness, the example of a route in Annaba


  • Nacima HACINI University Badji Mokhtar Annaba. Algeria.


sustainable tourism, sustainable mobility, walking, pollution, sustainable transport


Annaba is an Algerian city which offers a fairly rich and diversified tourist potential: heritage, landscape, sea are united there. The space that inspires walk or strolling is that of Rizi Amor "Chapui" Boulevard, a continuation of the Coral Bay axis, a space coveted by walkers especially in summer. This space, more accessible to cars than to pedestrians, is of a tourist nature since it runs along the sea offering a beautiful landscape. Summer visitors benefit from the sea and a pedestrian network along a road congested by cars where the walker mutually breathes fresh air and polluted air. In this intervention we will try to focus on a space with tourist assets, which is however invaded by automobile congestion, a polluted environment where it is necessary to reconcile tourism and mobility with a view to sustainable development.


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How to Cite

HACINI, N. . (2021). Urban mobility at the heart of tourist attractiveness, the example of a route in Annaba. Journal of Human Sciences , 32(1), 752–756. Retrieved from https://revue.umc.edu.dz/h/article/view/3628


