Language transfer in translation: The case of lexico-semantic transfer and its impact on lexical correspondence/non-correspondence between languages


  • Zahri HAROUNI Institut des Langues Etrangères Université Mentouri Constantine


Lexical relations, Collocations and false friends Constitute the most significant areas of negative language transfer in translation. These aspects of interlingual lexical contrast illustrate the considerable difficulties that foreign language students face when they translate forms and expressions from a source longuage into a target longuage. Translation, in such cases, instead of being a learning and problem-solving strategy often results in lack of lexical correspondence between the source language and the target language, inappropriateness to the context and sometimes even to something not possible in the target language, i.e., semantically non-permissible.



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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Zahri HAROUNI, Institut des Langues Etrangères Université Mentouri Constantine

Institut des Langues Etrangères



- Lyons John, Semantics, vol.I, Cambridge University Press, 1977.

- Hatch Evelyn and Brown Cheryl, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education, Cambridge University Press, 1995.

- Durrell Martin, « Some Problems of Contrastive Lexical Semantics » in Understanding the Lexicon. Meaning, Sense and World Knowledge in Lexical Semantics (Symposium), eds. Hullen, W. et. al., Linguistisch Arbeiten, Vol. 210, 1988, pp. 230-241.

- James Carl, Contrastive Analysis, Longman, Harlow, 1980.

- Marton Waldemar, « Foreign Vocabulary Learning as Problem no. 1 of Language Teaching at the Advanced Level », ISB, no. 2, 1977, pp. 33-57.


Comment citer

HAROUNI, Z. (1998). Language transfer in translation: The case of lexico-semantic transfer and its impact on lexical correspondence/non-correspondence between languages. Revue Des Sciences Humaines, 9(2), 49–54. Consulté à l’adresse


