Code-Switching and Borrowing in Algeria


  • Haoues Ahmed SID Faculty of Letters and Languages. Mentouri University Constantine


In Algeria, the coexistence of Arabic and French for a certain period of time has led to the emergence of language phenomena which may be found with varying degrees in many bilingual societies. Using an ethnographic approach, a sample of students at Mentouri University, Constantine, was recorded to identify and investigate mixing patterns. The paper first looks at the linguistic research on the structural features of code-switching focusing in particular on the code-switching versus borrowing distinction. Then, it analyses the different mixing patterns according to phonological and/or morphological integration. Finally, results reveal that although code-switching and borrowing are distinct phenomena, they may both be used within the same utterance.



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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Haoues Ahmed SID, Faculty of Letters and Languages. Mentouri University Constantine

Faculty of Letters

 and Languages.



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Comment citer

Ahmed SID, H. (2009). Code-Switching and Borrowing in Algeria. Revue Des Sciences Humaines, 20(3), 97–107. Consulté à l’adresse


